About me


I am a historically-oriented political theorist and political economist. My research and teaching centre on the division of labour in Western modernity, in particular on capitalism and democracy as its two central organising principles, and on North America and Western Europe as its geographical core. My work has appeared in, or is forthcoming with, History of Political Thought, Critical Historical Studies, The Guardian, and the Süddeutsche Zeitung, among other places.

I am currently a postdoc at the Institut für Sozioökonomie at the University of Duisburg-Essen and coordinate its PhD programme, Die Politische Ökonomie der Ungleichheit (the political economy of inequality). Before this, I held the Chaire SFPI at the Royal Academy of Belgium. I obtained my PhD in Political Science from Yale University, under the supervision of John Roemer (chair), David Grewal, Douglas Rae, and Ian Shapiro. I hold an MSc in Political Theory from the LSE and a BA in PPE from Oxford University.

Before my PhD, I worked as an economic consultant at Vivid Economics. I continue to consult on a freelance basis from time to time.

I am the research director and one of the founders of Dezernat Zukunft, a Berlin-based macro-financial think tank.

